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海尔欣·昕甬智测在WMO- Global Greenhouse Gas Watch会议上发表主题报告

更新日期:2023-10-09      点击次数:885

10月3日,WMO的“全球温室气体观测"研讨会在日内瓦顺利召开。本次研讨会的目的是为成员国和伙伴组织制定有关全面综合观测系统的指导,以支持全球温室气体观察(GGGW)的实施 。

On October 3rd, the " Global Greenhouse Gas Watch" seminar organized by WMO was successfully held in Geneva. The purpose of this workshop is to develop guidance from and to Member countries and partner organizations regarding the comprehensive integrated observing system that would support the implementation of the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (GGGW).





10月5日,宁波海尔欣光电科技有限公司作为国内温室气体仪器优秀生产商受邀参会,并在第5次会议——观察网络实施情况专题会议上,发表了相关主题报告。海尔欣总经理王胤博士针对公司品牌“昕甬智测"HT8850便携式高精度温室气体分析仪,发表了题为《A portable laser-based gas analyzer for simultaneous measurements of N2O, CH4 and CO2》的报告,向参会人介绍了HT8850的工作原理、测试表现与实际应用,展示了企业是如何支持观测系统的发展。HT8850以其精准、高效的特点,受到了到场专家学者的一致认可。

On October 5th,HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd., as a prominent domestic manufacturer of greenhouse gas instruments, was invited to attend the conference. During the 5th session, which focused on Observing network implementation, Dr. Wang Yin, the General Manager of HealthyPhoton, delivered a thematic presentation on the company's brand and its HT8850 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzers. The presentation was titled "A portable laser-based gas analyzer for simultaneous measurements of N2O, CH4, and CO2". Dr. Wang introduced the working principle, testing performance, and practical applications of HT8850 to the attendees, demonstrating how the company support the scale up of the observing system. With its precision and efficiency, HT8850 received unanimous recognition from the attending experts and scholars.



Under the dual pressures of environmental protection and carbon neutrality, this instrument not only showcases technological innovation but also emphasizes corporate social responsibility. HealthyPhoton will continue its mission to Innovation for Green Life, with technological innovation as the driving force, we aim to achieve more timely and accurate scientific measurements, contributing to the national goal of "carbon neutrality."




